Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So... Yeah...

I posted my before shots on Flickr on Monday. It's pretty embarrassing. Although, they are really, REALLY old, I still find that I am a little ashamed that It looked that way.

Onward and Upward.

I have really been working hard in the evenings. I finished painting the living room last night. I do have some touch ups, but all in all, I freaking love it. My favorite part is when you hang artwork up. It always seems to look totally different when it is on a colored backdrop. N says I clean like I have ADD. I start one thing, do something else, go back, get sidetracked, finish a week later... *sigh*. I swore this cure would be different. I'm trying really hard to stick to the cure plan. I'm wired a little differently I suppose.

Anyways, this is officially week one of the cure. I have already completed all of the tasks except buying fresh flowers (well, do the mums we bought the other day count? Technically, they are fresh flowers, but they are outside on the deck...) and I haven't sat 10 minutes in a part of my home I never sit in. In an apartment as small as ours, it's hard not to utilize every corner. But, I know where I would. Half the battle.

So, I really should be finishing up the kitchen before I move on to the other rooms. I am going to paint the backsplash tonight. I am thinking possibly red. Chili pepper red. OR I have some beautiful deep turquoise paint. Could do that, too. I'm leaning more towards red. Stimulates the appetite. Or, so I hear.


Anonymous said...


I'm also doing the fall cure and thought I would say hi. I just want you to know that your pictures are not embarassing. MY pics will be embarassing. I'm going to take them tonight and put them up on my blog/the flickr group. You've made a lot of progress in the first week!

my umi says... said...

Hello, Lindsay! Thanks for stopping by! You'll have to send me a link for your blog. Thanks for the encouragement and good luck with your cure. Check back soon and let me know if I can do anything to assist!

Not your goddess said...

I hear you on the ADD style cleaning/tidying! I'm exactly the same, sometimes I spend a whole evening tidying up and the house still looks like a bomb was dropped there :(
I think a big part of the solution is really the old "a place for everything, and everything in it's place". That's why I'm focusing on storage spaces in this cure. A great tip from Benita of chez larsson is "keep it where you use it", so shoe polish for instance is kept where the shoes are and so on... I'm on a mission to get organized!

Not your goddess said...

Oh, and I've added you to my blogroll...

my umi says... said...

Hahaha! I look around and wonder where the time went. I knew I was working, but it doesn't look like it! The storage issue is a big problem for me as well. I tend to spend money on decorative objects hoping that something will pull my room together, but now, I think my money will be best spent on storage items, life would be a whole lot easier! I LOVE chez larsson- I need to keep her on my blogroll, too! Thanks for adding me! And, I tried your bag folding trick... Brilliant!!!